The six simple things that helped me feel calm and balanced again

How I found my sense of balance and calm again

​When my sleep gets disrupted and I become aware of my inner-voice constantly reminding me of all the things I could be worrying about I know something isn’t quite right!

A combination of illness and needing a complete break from the normal routine, meant I let a lot of my normal self-care practices slip over the Christmas holidays.

To help regain my sense of balance and calm I re-introduced the following things every day.



I’ve been doing some short yoga videos during the day: one in the morning, one when I finish work and a wind-down one before bed.

If I could only fit in one of these it would be the wind-down video before bed. It feels good to have yoga back in my daily life.


Relaxing herbal tea

I was still drinking my favourite night-time herbal tea during the holidays, but often after alcohol or a caffeinated cup of tea.

I’ve cut back on the alcohol and caffeine again and stick to the herbal teas after dinner.

I have also just bought some after-dinner herbal tea bags to add into the evening mix!


Morning mindfulness in the garden

When I was ill I stopped being the first up in the morning. That continued during the holidays!

It meant I didn’t stand outside in the back garden with the dogs first thing in the morning. Since getting back to work this week I’ve been outside each morning for a few minutes.

It’s amazing the difference it makes, especially if you incorporate some mindfulness techniques. If this is new to you then have a read of a related blog post – it really is easier than you might think.


Planning out my week

I usually use a bullet-journal to plan out my week. I make a list of overall things for the week along with a plan for each day. I also write down at least three things I’m grateful for each day. It’s both a guide and an anchor for the week.

I stopped doing all of these things over the holidays but I’m back on it again now.

Being without it over the holidays made me realise how adrift I became without that anchor.


Plans for the future

My husband and I spent some time thinking about the year ahead. We thought about holidays and came up with some ideas and booked time off work.

Given the current situation those plans are likely to have to change, but it felt good to have something to aim towards.

I also find that looking ahead can help to get my life into perspective. It stops me worrying about things I can do nothing to change.


Herbal drops

As I’ve mentioned in other posts, I’ve been using various blends of my herbal drops as an extra support over the last few months. Particularly to help support my immunity and to help keep me calm and grounded.

I finished a bottle before Christmas and forgot to make up a new one but I’m back on it now.

These drops are great as you can tailor them to your own needs and you quickly start to feel the benefit.


Do you need to regain your balance?

Perhaps there are some ideas here that you would like to incorporate into your own routine.

If you’d like to find out how working with me can help you regain your inner calm – or perhaps help you find it for the first time – feel free to get in touch or book a Discovery Call.

Take care,


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