Look forward to summer walks with the Hay Fever Prevention Plan. 🙂

You might think I’ve got my seasons mixed up, but honestly, Autumn is the best time to act to get on top of your hay fever for next Spring and Summer.

You might be surprised to know that hay fever is actually defined as a chronic disease. That means it’s there all the time.So yes, your symptoms might be over with for this year, but no, your hay fever isn’t gone.

The symptoms you suffer with during the hay fever season are an acute flare up of a deep-seated chronic disease.

​In my experience as a homeopath, but also personal experience as a former hay fever sufferer, it is common to dismiss your hay fever as “just a bit of an inconvenience” each year. This is despite the fact that you know what a huge negative impact your hay fever symptoms cause you.

I imagine sufferers do that as they don’t want to be to be known as the person that moans about a bit of sneezing and a runny nose as that’s what hay fever is perceived to be by people that don’t know better.

In 2018 a number of national newspapers ran stories on hay fever which offer support to this theory. Research reported in The Independent on April 22nd 2018,  found that one in five sufferers were so badly affected by their hay fever that they had to take time off work. However, a third of these people lied to their boss about why they needed time off as hay fever was not seen to be a legitimate reason to stay at home.

Anti-histamines are the most common conventional way to deal with symptoms of hay fever. As a homeopath it was particularly interesting (and actually quite a surprise) to see reported that of all those that use anti-histamines to manage their symptoms, 84% of them admitted that they still suffered.

Are you one of the many that take medication to suppress your symptoms but still suffer?

Perhaps you don’t like taking medications but are fed up of suffering?

​If you answered ‘yes’ to either of these questions then this could be just what you’re looking.

The Hay Fever Prevention Plan

The Hay Fever Prevention Plan works by addressing your hay fever when it is dormant – that’s why now is the perfect time to act.​​ Let me tell you a bit more about it:| It’s a simple, structured and individualised plan. You follow the 5 week plan in Autumn and the New Year.

  • It addresses the roots of your hay fever and starts to de-sensitise you to histamine, pollens and grasses.
  • It builds over time – you can expect to see a big improvement next year but repeating the process again the following year will give even better results.
  • It provides effective remedies to take during your hay fever season to avoid the need for anti-histamines and deal with any acute symptoms during the season.

Ultimately the plan gives you the chance to enjoy the summer again using an entirely natural approach. What’s more, because of the way that homeopathy works, you’re likely to see improvements in more than just your hay fever. 🙂

What now?

If you already know that now is the time for you to act then please click here to book your Hay Fever Initial Consultation with me.

For those of you that would like a bit more information first then click here to book a free 30 minute, no obligation, Discovery Call with me, or send me a message. ????

As a former hay fever sufferer myself, I know what a difference this plan can make and I would love to help you make this change in your life. ​Just think, if you take action now, next summer you could be walking through a field just like the one above and actually be enjoying yourself. 🙂

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Take care,

​Sarah x

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I look forward to hearing from you!


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